U1500 Cup Final

Result of the U1500 Cup Final between Cumbernauld and Stirling, held at Cumbernauld:


Cumbernauld were white on Boards 2 and 4.


Chrysa Mitraka 1187 1/2 Douglas Heatlie 1499 1/2

Derek McAteer 1370 0 Kenny MacPherson 1440 1

Liam Heron 1301 1/2 Bill Cook 1492 1/2

Mark Heron 1129 1/2 Harry Feather 1340 1/2

Mark Bellamy-Collins 538 0 Tom Nimmo u/g 1


Cumbernauld 1 1/2  Stirling 3 1/2


A close match - Tom won fairly quickly, but Kenny was in difficulty before successfully fending off Derek's attack. Liam won a pawn with a nice tactic against me but I was able to win one back and the position was dead drawn after that. The other two games looked drawish much of the time.

We had a problem with the time control - having set the clocks at the beginning it was apparent later that the 15 seconds weren't being added on, so we worked out what added time each player would have with 15 seconds per move and added that to the time. Anyway it worked!

Thanks to Cumbernauld for hosting - the first time the Stirling team had visited their new premises.