Central League AGM

Here is the agenda, minutes for the previous AGM and financial report


Agenda for Central League AGM to be held at Grangemouth Chess Club on Wednesday 5th
June at

7:15 p.m.
1 Apologies for absence
2 President's welcome
3 Minutes of previous meeting
4 Secretary's Report
5 Treasurer's Report and proposal of fees
6 Competitions Report and Presentation of Trophies
7 Election of Office Holders
8 2024-25 Season
9 League rules re board order and players playing up
10 League website


Minutes of Central Scotland Chess League held on 31 May 2023

Present :- Grangemouth – Alan Bell, Alan Petrie, Ian Mason, Dougie Will. Dunfermline – Ian Robertson,
Jim Webster. Stirling – Dave Hewitt, Steve Smith. Badgers Brook – Kenny McGeoch.

Apologies for absence :- Derek McAteer, Bill Gray, Brad Duthie.

President's welcome :- Alan Bell welcomed everyone and stated that he felt the season had gone very
well in the first full season back from Covid. It had been a competitive league and the future is looking

Minutes of previous meeting :- These had been distributed prior to the meeting. Acceptance of them
was proposed by Ian Robertson, seconded Kenny McGeoch, passed unanimously.

Matters arising :- Jim Webster asked for feedback on the time limits introduced for the 22-23 season.
Alan Bell suggested that at the start of a match people should be reminded of the time control being used
on that evening. Kenny McGeoch suggested that a cut-off time for matches using increments should be
agreed in advance of the evening of the match.
After discussion it was agreed the experiment with increments and colour draws hadn't had enough
examples for a permanent decision to be made. Therefore time controls for the 23-24 season will be the
same as for 22-23 – league 75 minutes for all moves with a draw for colours on each board; cup 60
minutes with 15 second increments with the visting team having white on board 1 and colours alternating
on following boards.

Secretary's report :- Steve Smith thanked clubs for sending in results promptly. While the absence of
Cumbernauld was regretted but it was hoped that they may rejoin in the coming season. While the
schedule had been crowded and a number of matches had been postponed from the scheduled date, all but
one had been played.

Treasurer's report :- With the league's bank account being dormant due to a gap in use, Kenny McGeoch
offered to pay fees due to Chess Scotland with clubs to refund him.
Kenny suggested that team fees remain the same for the coming season - £20 per team entered in any
league plus £4 for entry to the under 1500 cup and £6 for entry to the Neil Giffen cup.
An estimate for repairs to the Neil Giffen trophy should be obtained prior to work being commissioned.
Acceptance of the treasurer's statement and fees for the coming season was proposed by Jim Webster,
seconded Steve Smith and passed unanimously.

Competitions report :-
Division 1 Stirling – trophy presented to Steve Smith
Division 2 Stirling C – trophy presented to Dave Hewitt
Allegro League Stirling Bruce – trophy presented to Dave Hewitt
Neil Giffen cup Grangemouth – trophy presented to Dougie Will
Under 1500 Cup Stirling – trophy not present – with Bill Cook

Election of Office Bearers :-
President Alan Bell – proposed Steve Smith seconded Dave Hewitt
Vice President Ian Robertson – proposed Alan Bell seconded Kenny McGeoch
Secretary Steve Smith – proposed Kenny McGeoch seconded Dave Hewitt
Treasurer Kenny McGeoch – proposed Dave Hewitt seconded Jim Webster
All Office Bearers were elected unanimously.

2023-24 season :- There will again be two divisions, an allegro league, a cup and an under 1500 cup.
Provisional entries :-
Badgers Brook - 1 in division 1, 1 in division 2, possibly a second division 2 or an allegro team.
Dunfermline – 1 in division 1, 1 in division 2, 1 allegro team
Grangemouth – 2 in division 1, 1 in division 2, 1 or possibly 2 allegro teams
Stirling – 2 in division 1, 2 in division 2, 3 allegro teams
Cumbernauld – it is hoped that they will return with a division 2 team
A deadline of 24th August was set for clubs to advise Steve Smith of confirmed entries.
As with 22-23 Steve will produce a schedule starting in September with minimal travel in December and

Rules re players playing up :- Next season a player will not be able to represent a team if he has played
a total of more than four games for higher teams in the club.
The rule that players may not play above a player whose grading is over 100 points higher is being
reinstated now that Chess Scotland will be producing up to date grades.

League website :- Kenny McGeoch is working on a proposed new league website. This will include
links to club websites.
Kenny will also be working on a revised league constitution.

The accounts are also available for perusal via the pdf file attached

Central Chess League Budget 2023-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 50.1 KB