1. The Central Scotland Chess League shall be so constituted by chess clubs in an area (see rule 2) which on payment of an affiliation fee shall be fully affiliated with the League
a) The affiliation fee will be set by the A.G.M.
b) The affiliation fee shall be paid to the Treasurer.
2. Eligibility - Chess Clubs recognised as being eligible for membership with the League
a) Shall be within 50 miles of all affiliated clubs except when the Committee (see Rule 6) may permit distant clubs to make satisfactory arrangements for the convenience of all.
b) New teams entering the League shall enter the division that matches their anticipated playing strength most closely.
3. The A.G.M. shall be held in May when each club shall be represented and allowed 1 vote only. At the AGM member clubs should indicate how many teams they plan to enter in the following season's competitions. The meeting will assign teams to league divisions and set a deadline for confirmation of the number of teams. If the number of confirmed teams
varies from the number notified at the AGM the committee may reallocate teams between divisions.
a) A.G.M Representation: - All clubs ought to be represented at the May A.G.M. by the secretary or nominee capable of negotiating club business. Apologies for absence will be accepted on the understanding that the unrepresented club accepts all decisions which may be made on its behalf.
4. The President shall be elected (or re-elected) at the A.G.M. but shall not serve in excess of 3 consecutive seasons. In the event of a tie in voting the President has a casting vote and their decision is binding.
a) The Vice-President shall also be elected at the A.G.M. and there shall be no limit to their tenure in this capacity.
5. The League Secretary and Treasurer.
a) Secretary - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare minutes and an agenda for the A.G.M. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare League fixtures and submit results to Chess Scotland for grading.
b) Treasurer - The duties of the Treasurer will be to prepare a financial statement for the A.G.M. and to collect League fees.
c) Both office-bearers shall be elected annually at the A.G.M.
6. The Central League Committee shall consist of the President, the vice-President, the Secretary and Treasurer as consultative members and a nominated representative from each club who may or
may not be an office bearer. The Committee's decision on all disputes is final. In the event of a dispute committee members who
are members of a club involved in the dispute may not take part in any
vote on the dispute. In the event of a tied vote the President is given
a casting vote.